Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review

Aim & Scope
The Review (EIER) is issued by the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics to provide an international forum for new theoretical and empirical approaches to evolutionary and institutional economics. The Review, free from the view of equilibrium economics and methodological individualism, should face the diversity of human behavior and dynamic transformation of institutions. In the Review, ‘economics’ is used in its broadest sense. It covers from the classic research in economic history, economic thought, economic theory, and management science to emerging research fields such as economic sociology, bio-economics, evolutionary game theory, agent-based modeling, complex systems study, econo-physics, experimental economics, and so on. The Review believes that a truly interdisciplinary discussion is needed to propel the investigation in the dynamic process of socio-economical change where institutions as emergent outcomes of human actions do matter. Though the Review is an official journal of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, it welcomes non-members’ contributions from all parts of the world. All the contributions are refereed under strict scientific criterion, though the Review does not apply monolithic formalistic measure to them. Evolution goes hand in hand with diversities; this is also the spirit of the Review.
Journal Link: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
The focus areas of the Review (not exhaustive):
- Foundations of institutional and evolutionary economics
- Criticism of mainstream views in the social sciences
- Knowledge and learning in socio-economic life
- Development and innovation of technologies
- Transformation of industrial organizations and economic systems
- Experimental studies in economics
- Agent-based modeling of socio-economic systems
- Evolution of the governance structure of firms and other organizations
- Comparison of dynamically changing institutions of the world
- Policy proposals in the transformational process of economic life