





冷戦構造の崩壊は資本主義制度の優位を示したものであり,世界はーつの制度に向かって収敏していくことを証明したとの考えがあります。これは,望ましい制度はーつしかないという,近年に到るまでわれわれを支配してきたパラダイムに準拠した見方です。資本主義vs 社会主義という認識の枠組みはパックス=ルッソ・アメリカーナの時代のパラダイムでした。 しかし,冷戦崩壊後特に注目されるようになったのは,世界には多様な個性を持った制度が並存し,相互に影響を与えあいながら発展してきているという現実です。多様な個性を持った制度が共存するからこそ,世界は豊読な発展の可能性を秘めていると考えなければなりません。このことは,市場経済の発展も地域ごとに特徴ある発展形態を示すことから明らかです。また市場内部における競争の構造も形態も,日々刻寿とイノベーションによって変化させられています。新しい技術を新しい組織に体現して活動するベンチャー・ビジネスの台頭などはその典型です。DETERMINISM からPLURALISM へ:新しいパラダイムで現代の世界をとらえなおすことが求められています。

現在の制度・システム,知識・技術,あるいは組織の形態や組織内部でのルール・意思決定の手続きなど, これらはすべて現在に到るまでのそれぞれの過去の経路に依存して形成されたものであり,新しい展望もその経路が拓くことになります。現実の世界での個性とか力とはこの履歴によって形成された特徴です。それが将来の展開を可能にして行きます。PLURALISM にたつ学間は,確率的に発生する突然変異をとりこみながら,内生的に進化することを視点とした知的枠組みを持たなければなりません。進化経済学はシステム・組織・技術が進化する機構を研究し,そのうえで経済理論の革新に貢献しようとする試みです。

この方法による研究はとりわけ1980年代以降, ミクロ経済学,マクロ経済学,ゲーム理論,企業経済学,制度経済学,政治経済学,国際貿易理論,産業組織論あるいは技術革新論等の分野ですでにおおいに発展し,従来与件として見てきたものを積極的に学問の体系の中に導入して,すぐれた成果を生みつつあります。システム・組織・技術が内生的に進化する機構を探る進化経済学は,従来の機械的な動学理論では不可能であった過程そのものの科学的分析を可能にし,多様なシステム・組織・技術が共存・競争することが豊続な変化を生み出すことを認識させ,グローバルな経済社会の発展のありかたについて新しい方向を示すことができます。


Appeal to Join the Association for Evolutionary Economics

  ― New Approach for a Paradigm Change ―

                           March 1996

Organizing Committee

   Some say that the collapse of the cold war constellation validated the advantage of capitalism, and that the whole world is converging toward a similar institution. This is an old view of the traditional paradigm that prevailed till recently. The contesting views of capitalism vs. socialism corresponded to the age of pax Russo-Americana. However, after the demise of the cold war, a new vision has come to the forefront that recognizes the variety of institutions and focuses on their unique development despite mutual influence. It is the coexistence of a variety of institutions that provides  human race with rich possibilities of vital development. This is clear from the fact that the development of the market economy takes diversified forms, differing from country to country and region to region. The structure and mode of market competition changes by the day due to successive innovations.  The emergence of venture business incorporating new technologies in new organizational forms is exemplary in this context. Thus, we need to view the modern world from a new paradigm, that is, from DETERMINISM to PLURALISM.

All the present institutions, socio-economic systems, knowledge and technology, and forms and rules of organizations are the results of formations proceeding on the path of the past to the present. The uniqueness and capabilities of the present world are features that emerged through a historical process, and the future possibilities are grounded on them. The science of the spirit of PLURALISM must have an intellectual framework investigating endogenous evolution, allowing for random emergence of mutation. Evolutionary economics is the attempt to investigate the mechanism of evolution in social systems, organizations, and technology, and thus to contribute to innovation in economic theory.

Researches in this direction have been made since the 1980s, particularly in fields such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, game theory, economics of firm, institutional economics, political economy, theory of international trade, industrial organization, and technology innovation. They integrate the conditions that were so far considered given in their analyses, to obtain fresh results in each field. Evolutionary economics exploring the mechanism of endogenous evolution of social systems, organizations, and technology enable the scientific analysis of the process that was so far only postulated in the preceding mechanistic theory of economic dynamics. It helps recognize that the coexistence and competition of diversified systems, organizations, and technology can produce rich development and hopefully show a new direction of progress for the global economic society.

In natural sciences too, the investigation into the endogenous formation of systems has attracted the interest of researchers, as shown by the progress in explorations into nonlinearity, self-organization, complexities, and so on.  We believe that in economic studies also we are in the age of quest for new general insights and directions based on scientific explorations into the systems, organizations, and technology. We should form a forum of researchers in those new areas, the Association for Evolutionary Economics.  We welcome not only researchers in economics and management science, but also those interested in exploration into the endogenous change of systems and institutions in areas of law, education, culture, history, and sociology.  We expect much participation of those who are directly involved in the evolution of systems, organizations, and technology, such as natural scientists, researchers in charge of R&D in business firms, and managers of venture business based on innovative technology and organization. We wish that the newborn interdisciplinary association becomes an exemplary case for the evolution of scientific knowledge. We invite all of you to join this project.