




日時:2023年9月23日(土)16:30—18:30 (JST)

場所: Zoom(完全オンライン開催です)



ミーティングID: 897 3518 1824

パスコード: 774695

報告者: Sébastien Lechevalier (EHESS, International Senior Fellow CIGS)

タイトル: Implementing Society 5.0: towards a care-led innovation model in Japan?

要旨:The purpose of this article is twofold: 1) to present and critically appraise the Society 5.0 vision promoted by the Japanese government (in the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan (STBP), and then the 6th STBP) as a way of overcoming the conventional Neo-Schumpeterian model of innovation that had been in crisis; 2) to introduce a new paradigm of care-led innovation (together with some examples inspired by it) as an alternative to the dominant model of innovation, and to show the paradigm may be able to unlock the potential of successfully implementing some, if not all, of the visions envisaged by Society 5.0.

Our argument can be summarized as follows. For about 25 years, the reform of the Japanese innovation system has failed to converge and produce the so-called Silicon Valley model. However, this is not a major problem if the goal is to solve the innovation crisis per se. Yet from the perspective of solving a variety of socio-economic issues, Society 5.0 marks a potential major break in helping us think about postindustrial economies and societies (beyond industry 4.0) including the relationships between science, technology, and society. A non-Schumpeterian perspective on innovation is needed.

More precisely, our aim is to answer the two following questions:

1.How can we connect the goals of Society 5.0, the model of innovation and the model of capitalism?

2.More specifically, which characteristics in the models of innovation and of capitalism are required to achieve Society 5.0, in general and in health-related issues in particular?

While socioeconomics of innovation and STS are the primary disciplinary lenses that are utilized for this article, the theoretical perspective is also influenced by the Régulation theory in its analysis of crisis and of capitalism (including the anthropogenic mode of development). In short, this article proposes a non-Schumpeterian view on innovation.

In terms of methodology and sources, we provide an overview of public policy evolution over the last two decades and conducted an institutional analysis of innovation policies in Japan, based on official reports and using theoretical contributions. We also include some case studies of care-led innovation, which we have been directly involved in and/or we could have privileged access to.

Proposing an interpretation of Society 5.0 as a response to the innovation crisis in Japan, this article introduces a critical view on the models of innovation and capitalism that are promoted in order to implement this vision. It then depicts the notion of care-led innovation as a model that may support the emergence of a Society 5.0 as a way of reconnecting social needs to technological development and deployment. Finally, three types of care-led innovation in health and long-term care, and their characteristics, will be presented.


